Music Therapy for Health Care Workers

To take care of us, health care workers need to take care of themselves.

Health care workers — doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and more — are burning out at higher rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, Vox reported in June 2021 that many health care workers are actually discouraged from seeking therapeutic services, as the culture of health care, like much of mainstream culture in the United States, views mental health and seeking help for it as a sign of weakness, and many feel that seeking help will put their licenses and their careers at risk.

Fleming Music Therapy is committed to meeting the mental health needs of our health care workers. In 2022, health care workers are eligible for one free music therapy session, and, if they choose to continue treatment, will receive a 50% discount for each subsequent session.

Signs of burn out in health care workers can include:

  • Becoming overly critical or cynical of yourself or others,

  • Trouble with sleep (either sleeping too much or not enough),

  • Irritability and impatience,

  • Lack of energy to complete your daily tasks,

  • Lack of satisfaction with or sense of purpose in your job

Music Therapy can help with these symptoms by:

  • Creating a space for you to experience and cope with your thoughts and emotions,

  • Give you back a sense of control in your life,

  • Promote a sense of hope and purpose in your life,

  • Create positive and healthy connections with others,

  • Promote a sense of calm and relaxation

Black health care worker takes the blood pressure of a Black woman

To take advantage of this opportunity, contact us today.

We also offer a musical support group for health care workers.