Our mission is to promote mental and emotional wellness to all people through music.
Our vision is to be the go-to resource for music and wellness in the Cedar Valley.
We acknowledge that trauma—including intergenerational trauma, the trauma of systemic oppression, and the trauma of living through a global pandemic—can affect our ability to find purpose in our lives and navigate the world safely. Our goal is to address the personal and systemic trauma through the creative use of musical experiences and promote mental, emotional, and personal wellness.
We also aim to be a community resource for music and community health by both offering trainings and information sessions to teach you more about how to use music as a tool for healing and helping you plan and implement community music programming to develop stronger bonds and work toward greater mental and emotional wellness.
Our approach is guided by our core values.
Equity: We acknowledge that there are many barriers, both personal and systemic, that may prevent someone from seeking or accessing mental health and emotional wellness services. By practicing with equity, we work to intentionally identify these barriers and find ways to minimize or eliminate them, from equity-based pricing structures to advocating at the local, state, and federal level for systemic changes in service implementation and accessibility.
Integrity: We strive to approach each client and each situation with a strong set of ethics and a position of cultural humility to provide the highest amount of healing and the lowest amount of harm. And when we mess up, we will do everything in our power to correct the situation and review our policies and procedures so we don’t make the same mistake again.
Authenticity: We recognize that the first step toward healing comes from building an authentic and honest relationship between you and your therapist. We bring our whole selves into the therapeutic experience—no “blank slates” here!—and will support you with our full ability and connect with you on the human level.
Collaboration: You are the expert on your life experiences, and only you truly know what your needs and your vision of healing are. We are honored to work with you on your mental and emotional wellness journey and are happy to take your lead on what experiences and approaches would work best for you.